Morgan Housel, the author of the book Psychology of Money, recorded a podcast with one of my favorite shows, Rule Breaker Investing, talking about his 5 best quotes. As a fan of both Morgan Housel and David Gardner (co-founder of The Motley Fool and host of Rule Breaker Investing ), this post will bring these 5 quotes to you.
For those who follow this blog, you know that I already talked about Rule Breaker Investing in the article 6 principles of a Rule Breaker portfolio (Innovative and disruptive) and in the 6 tips on how to invest according to Rule Breaker Investing and I also follow almost all The Motley podcasts Fool.
A bit about Morgan Housel: He is the writer of Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons in Fortune, Greed, and Happiness, one of the best-selling finance and investment books. He also worked for The Motley podcasts Fool and today he writes on the Collaborative Fund’s blog.
His articles like his book, are always very thoughtful and I always learn something from reading them.
Given the initial context, let’s talk about Morgan Housel’s 5 best quotes. If you want to hear the podcast where Morgan spoke the phrases, you can check it here
5 best Morgan House quotes
Quote 01
“Doing well with money is not about what you know, it’s not about where you went to school or how smart you are, it’s how you behave.”
Quote 02
“Controlling your time is the highest dividend that money pays. The ability to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want is priceless.”
Quote 03
“The most important part of every plan is planning on your plan, not going according to plan.”
Quote 04
“Save like a pessimist and invest like an optimist.”
Quote 05
“If markets never fell, they wouldn’t be risky, and if they weren’t risky, they’d get really expensive, and when they get really expensive, they fall.”
These are the 5 best Morgan Housel quotes from the Rule Breaker Investing podcast. I hope that you enjoyed it. I recommend reading The Financial Psychology: Timeless Lessons on Fortune, Greed, and Happiness.
Happy investing!