One of the things that I most admire about nature in Canada is the change in the landscape between seasons. It is very nice that each season is distinctly different from the other.

Coming from a tropical country, I haven’t seen this much difference, our trees didn’t get orange colors in autumn, we didn’t have snow there, and so on.

Due to this, I loved to see the colors change and I wanted to capture these changes in a timelapse. From June 2022 to June 2023 I took a photo every day at around 12PM from my balcony to create the timelapse that we see below.

In it, we can see the colors going from green to orange (maple trees) after losing all the leaves. Here in Vancouver, the snow is light and very short (thankfully) so we can see only a few seconds of snow. And then we can see the colors of the spring and finally, the trees getting back the green color.

One thing that was not intentional but anyway nice, it is that during the one-year period, one of the houses in the view was taken down and another one was rebuilt in the place, you can see the whole process in the timelapse.