My Pillars of Health: Guidelines to help me live healthier and better

My Pillars of Health are guidelines that help me keep healthy and push me to do things that will make me feel better and have a good lifespan and healthspan.

Created: June 24, 2024 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Lifestyle

The top 5 podcasts that captivated my ears and mind in 2023

I dedicated an impressive 16,789 minutes to podcasts in 2023. Here are the top 5 podcasts that captivated my ears and mind throughout the year 2023

Created: December 11, 2023 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Lifestyle

Why did I stop drinking coffee after 12 PM and so should you

Recently I stop drinking coffee after 12 PM due to the effects of caffeine on sleep. Understand how and why you should too

Created: February 11, 2023 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Lifestyle