Navigating a Major Spring Boot Upgrade: Key Takeaways

Learn key insights from upgrading Spring Boot from 2.7 to 3.2. Discover practical tips, challenges faced, and best practices for a smooth transition

Backwards compatible migration for Spring Batch 5 params table

From Spring Batch 4 to 5 there were changes in the rows on BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION_PARAMS we show an approach that makes the migration easy and backward-compatible

90% of distributed traces observability gone after Spring Boot upgrade

After upgrading Spring Boot version to 3.3.1 we notice that 90% of our distributed tracing in our observability tool were gone. In this post we tell the story

How upgrading from Spring Boot 3.2.5 to 3.3.1 broke our object mapper

After upgrading Spring Boot from version 3.2.5 to 3.3.1 we started to have a serialization issue with the Optional class. Check how to fix it in this post

Migration from Netflix Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway Server MVC

I have recently migrated our API gateway from Spring Cloud Starter Netflix Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway Server MVC and here is a complete guide on how to do it

How to Migrate Spring Boot from 2.7 to 3.2: A detailed migration guide

I have recently migrated several projects and libraries from Spring Boot 2.7.15 to Spring Boot 3.2.4 and I would like to share some insights into the changes

Migrating Spring Sleuth to Micrometer Observability in Spring Boot 3

Spring Sleuth was removed in Spring Boot version 3 in favor of Micrometer and I recently migrated many services and want to share the learnings with you.

Replacing deprecated @EnableResourceServer with Spring Security

We recently replaced the deprecated @EnableResourceServer with Spring Security and in this post I will share what we did and the new code.

Root causes are usually simpler than they appear

We are smart engineers and sometimes when we face a problem we may tend to think the root cause is very complex, but usually, they are simpler than they appear

RabbitMQ Tips: The importance of poisonous message handling for DLQs

Poisonous message handling is very important in the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) and this post we will show what happen when we do not take that into account