Canadian Rockie Mountains Camping Trip: Jasper and Banff in 6 nights

My wife (May) and I recently went camping for the first time in the Canadian Rockie Mountains with a group of friends from our hiking group.

Created: August 14, 2023 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Travel

Insights from Mentorship: Three Key Learnings

The mentorship with Aleksey provided an invaluable opportunity to learn from his extensive experience and gain insights into his approach to work

Learnings from the book Excellent Advice for Living

These are my learnings from the book Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier written by Kevin Kelly

Learnings from the book Song of Significance

These are my learnings from the book Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams written by Seth Godin

How I am using the Daily Questions to focus on what is important to me

The Daily Questions aim to address the common issue many of us face: having good intentions for making changes but struggling with their execution

Learnings from the book Quit

These are my learnings from the book Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away written by Annie Duke

Learnings from the book Think Again

These are my learnings from the book Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant

The importance of the prefetch count in RabbiMQ consumers

Prefetch count is a very important parameter that we have when configuring consumers in RabbitMQ, this real-case scenario shows an example of this

Learnings from the book The Staff Engineer's Path

These are my learnings from the book The Staff Engineer’s Path: A Guide for Individual Contributors Navigating Growth and Change written by Tanya Reilly

RabbitMQ Quorum queues definition arguments

Classic queues are deprecated and are going to be replaced by Quorum queues, which are durable, replicated FIFO queues build with data safety as a top priority