CELPIP-G Speaking Tips

While studying for the CELPIP-G test, I made some notes of each task that help me to prepare for the test. These are the tips that I can give you.

Created: May 11, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Immigration

The 20 Most Important Things by Howard Marks

Check out the 20 most important things to the average investor by Howard Marks in his famous book The Most Important Things

Created: May 10, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance

Choosing Service Level Objective(SLO): Lessons from Google's team

Learn with the mistakes and experience of the Google’s team how to choose the Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for your services

13 Attributes of a Perfect Company by Peter Lynch

Discover the 13 attributes of a perfect company by Peter Lynch and understand why he considers them important when selecting stocks that will yield good results

Created: May 2, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance

Sunk cost fallacy: Keep people in bad jobs, unhappy marriages and more

Do you know what the sunk cost fallacy is? Do you know what your influence on decisions is? In this post I bring what is the influence on investments

Created: May 1, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Psychology

Morgan Housel's 5 Best Quotes: The second quote is my favorite

Morgan House, author of the best seller book Psychology of Money shares with us his 5 best quotes that can inspire and help us invest better

Created: April 30, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance

6 Principles of a Rule Breaker Portfolio (Innovative and Disruptive)

Check out the 6 principles of an innovative and disruptive portfolio (Rule Breaker) created by David Gardner of The Motley Fool

Created: April 24, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance

6 tips on how to invest according to Rule Breaker Investing

Check out the 6 “Hows” to invest like a Rule Breaker created by David Gardner of The Motley Fool

Created: April 23, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance

Pact Contract Testing flow on a CI pipeline

Check out how is the Pact Contract Testing flow in a CI pipeline in both feature branches and also master branches and how to safely deploy your services

10 important investment advices from Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is one of the greatest investor of all time, and this 10 investment advices from Warren Buffett are going to help you become a better investor

Created: April 17, 2022 · João Vieira (JV) ·  Finance