RabbitMQ Tips: The importance of poisonous message handling for DLQs

Poisonous message handling is very important in the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) and this post we will show what happen when we do not take that into account

The importance of the prefetch count in RabbiMQ consumers

Prefetch count is a very important parameter that we have when configuring consumers in RabbitMQ, this real-case scenario shows an example of this

RabbitMQ Quorum queues definition arguments

Classic queues are deprecated and are going to be replaced by Quorum queues, which are durable, replicated FIFO queues build with data safety as a top priority

RabbitMQ High Availability: Tips to make your message broker better

When taking RabbitMQ to production, one of the main concerns is how to have high availability of the queues and exchanges